Recently in East Coast Trip Category

Taking a Break

Okay, so I know I've promised details and pictures about my trip and I've failed to deliver. Well, right now, I think I need to take a break from the computer and blogging and reading other people's blogs, etc. I find that I haven't been able to truly relax in who knows how long. I'm always thinking of everything I have to do, and my not being able to relax is potentially affecting other aspects of my life. So I'm trying to get rid of all my self imposed responsibilities, like blogging, emailing, etc. Don't know if I'll be keeping up with birthday cards or not, I haven't decided.

I've cleaned out my inbox so that there are zero messages in it. I've moved all the other messages to folders where I can go to them if I want but they aren't readily in my face. I'm trying to remove the excessive amount of clutter that I have in my life; it clogs my brain, so maybe not seeing those messages will have a positive psychological effect. They're still there if I need to get to them, but I don't know if I ever will. I will continue to check my email and try to respond to new messages as I get them so that they don't clog up my inbox again. Right now, I'm selling some used text books online, so I need to check my email daily, but I hope that after those are sold, I will be able to limit my use of the computer to every couple of days.

In the meantime, I'm going to divide my free time between reading (something I absolutely love to do and hope it will help me relax) and going through the many boxes in my garage that haven't been opened since I lived in Vegas. School starts back up in a month, so I want to take advantage of the last little bit of free time I have.

Wish me luck!

P.S. That's not to say that I won't post to my blog every now and again as I get bored, but I do sincerely hope to limit my time on the computer.

I'm home


I got home on Wednesday, but I've been so swamped since I got back. There just aren't enough hours in the day! Hopefully this weekend I will get around to catching you all up on my trip, including pictures. :)

Last Night

We made it to our last hotel of the trip. It's right by the airport and we return our rental car in the morning and catch a shuttle to the airport. We had a nice little spontaneous excursion today to New Hope, PA. More about that later, along with all the other details and pictures from the entire trip.

On the Road

Well we're about 7 miles from Hershey, Pennsylvania. Just stopped through for the night. Now we head about 100 miles to Northlandz, which is another train thing. I'm sure I'll know more about it in a couple hours. :)

Leaving DC

Well the plan was for me to come back to the hotel last night and catch up on blogging about my trip. However, I was so tired from all of our walking these past couple of days that the first thing I did when we got back to the hotel was lay on the bed, take off my shoes, and fall asleep as Mike was rubbing my feet! I didn't mean to fall asleep of course, but I was exhausted!

Anyhow, we are about to check out now and drive onto Cass, West Virginia. We're staying at another bed and breakfast, which I imagine also means no internet access. So chances are, I won't be providing any more details or pictures until I get back home. However, any time I do get internet access over these next couple of days, I'll be sure to enter a quick post to let you all know I'm still alive. :)

Made it to Arlington, VA


Well we made it to Arlington, VA. This is where we'll be staying during our visit to DC. We have free internet access again - woo hoo! I'll try to post a couple pictures tomorrow evening of our last few days on the east coast. But for now it's getting late (close to midnight East Coast time) and we have an early day tomorrow heading out to the Smithsonian, so I better be going...

Off to Amish Country!

Well we will be heading off to Lancaster, PA today to see the Amish. While the bed and breakfast we're staying at isn't owned by the Amish so we will have electricity, it is a bed and breakfast, so I doubt that we'll have internet access there. I do have some comments to make about the wedding, but it will probably have to wait until we get to DC. More later...

A Nice Relaxing Day

Today was essentially our day off. We went to the mall, which surprisingly is the third largest mall in the US or the world or something. It has 4 floors and includes several restaurants and even a Target. Anyhow, it was a very productive trip. We got a much needed good pair of walking shoes. We're going to mail my old shoes home with Mike's lighting equipment so we don't have to cart it around with us throughout our vacation. We also bought a nice, heavy coat for the Winter and a nice light sweater for times where I need a light jacket and don't want to look so frumpy. The heavy jacket I'll mail home, but the light sweater I'll keep with me. I also got some socks so I can replace all my old socks that are worn at the heels. And finally, we got a watch because the latch on mine is loose, so it's constantly falling off. Definitely a very productive day. :) Not to mention that this week is No Tax Week on clothes and shoes for the entire state of New York! (Which explains why we kept seeing signs like these in Manhattan).

Other than that, I've been spending most of the day just reading, which has been very nice. I'm devouring Talisman by Stephen King. It's such a great book! I also read my friend Erik's latest short story. He's truly a gifted writer and story teller.

Central Park

Yesterday the majority of our time in New York was spent at Central Park. We took a 20 minute horse ride through Central Park, which of course was just a big tourist gimmick, because you hardly get to see anything at all, but hey, we can say we did it. Then we walked through a small portion of Central Park ourselves. Here's a few pictures:

End of the horse ride through part of Central Park

Mike and I at Central Park

me standing by a rock in Central Park

Then we took a cab back to the hotel, grabbed our luggage, grabbed another cab to the train station, and headed to mid-state New York. Mike's friend Joanna picked us up and took us to our hotel. We quickly checked in, then it was off to Joanna's parents' house and then the wedding rehearsal and dinner afterward. Mike is photographing her wedding on Sunday, which was the primary catalyst for our vacation. tax all week!


I just thought this was too funny. I don't know what "omg" stands for in this case (it's obviously a store of some sort), but if you think of it in internet terms and then combine it with the "no tax all week" sign on the window, it's pretty me at least anyway. ;)