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Eisenhower (IKE) 10-year Reunion

Class of 1996

This page was last modified: August 25, 2006

Current Status - Date and Location set!!

Thank you so much for your patience throughout the planning phase.  The details are now official!

Request for IKE Memorbilia - Click here for details


Saturday, November 4, 2006

Pala Casino and Resort
35008 Pala Temecula Road
Pala, CA  92059
Hotel Reservations:

For reduced rates ($179 and $189), call 1-877-725-2766 and say that you are with Eisenhower High School

Note - You may want to check other hotels nearby for cheaper rates. Here is a good place to start.

The event will be cocktail attire.



6:30 PM Cocktail Reception 

7:30 PM Dinner

12:00 AM Conclusion



Early Bird - $85.00 per person

Increases to $95.00 per person after October 20, 2006



CreativeReunions has a webpage up for us now where you may purchase your tickets (and get more information).

If you're not ready to purchase your tickets, or are undecided about going, please still provide your physical address so that CreativeReunions doesn't have to go through the effort of trying to locate you, since you're already "found".

To do this, you may submit your address to me.  I am working very closely with CreativeReunions and have compiled a spreadsheet to list everyone listed in the commencement as well as everyone in our class from all 4 year books at Eisenhower.  I put X's if we have your physical address or email address (two separate columns) so that we can keep track of who is found and who isn't.

If you don't feel comfortable giving your address to me (although I assure it's safe with me and will not be given to anyone but CreativeReunions), you may choose to submit your address directly to CreativeReunions.

Now that the details are official, please help us in spreading the word and encouraging attendance!  :)

There's also talk of having a family day at a park the day after the reunion all the families can get together and meet each other. Or maybe some people want to tour the local wineries together. This would be entirely separate from CreativeReunions. If these ideas interest you, post a message to the MySpace Reunion Group.

8/24/06 update: I updated some info about the group discount rate under the DATE & LOCATION section above. Also, the event will be coctail attire, so it's not too formal, but not too casual either.

MEMORABILIA REQUEST - We are getting closer to the reunion and thought it would be nice to have some IKE Memorabilia for everyone to check out. If you have some that you would like to share (don't worry, you will get it back) please let us know what it is. Please do NOT post your response to the MySpace Forum. If you have anything, please send a message to Marlenna or Jesse through MySpace. If you don't want to use MySpace, you can always contact me and I'll pass the info onto them.

We are looking for:
* any group photos or Candids from clubs, sports, classes , or just around campus
* Items from Sports and games (i.e game ball, track baton, jersies, etc.)
* Any other interesting items from ANY other extra- curricular activities

Basically, if you have these items, let us know. You would just bring them with you on the night of the reunion to be displayed and then get them back at the end of the night. Again, please do NOT post your reply publicly - we don't want to ruin the suspense!

Mailing List Info

To receive an email when the status is updated, simply submit your email address below. Don't worry, the mailing list is hosted through my own domain on a server that my fiance leases. Your email will not be given out to anyone so you won't receive SPAM by signing up.

View the list archives here.
Submit your physical address here. (Your address is safe with more about that here).

Related Links

MySpace Reunion Group
CreativeReunions Eisenhower '96 page

Official Eisenhower High School webpages
IKE alumni page for 1996
IKE alumni class reunion page

Finding Classmates sites
MySpace results for those listed as Eisenhower class of 1996 results for those listed as graduating in 1996 results for those listed as Eisenhower class of 1996

Discussion Threads
MySpace Reunion Group Forum
MySpace Discussion Thread which lead to the creation of the Reunion Group
Classmates 1996 Reunion Discussion Thread
Another Classmates Reunion Discussion Thread 1996 Reunion Discussion Thread

Reunion Area (location) Links
Pala Resort and Casino
The Grapeline Wine Country Shuttle


I got a bug up my butt at the beginning of April about wanting to know about the 1996 class reunion since I hadn't heard anything yet. I emailed everyone listed on the IKE alumni page for 1996 asking if anyone had heard anything. IMAN replied letting me know that since there was no reunion in the works, several people were getting together on MySpace to try to get one going. She referred me to the following bulletin.

*MARSipan* (Marlenna) has taken the lead and contaced since they are the ones who handled the reunion for the class of '95. They need 6 months notice, so Marlenna put in a tentative date of September 30th. We just need to pick a venue by May 30th to have the reunion sometime between mid-Sept and Nov. They basically do everything for us (as long as they have the yearbook and commencement book which Marlenna has). All we have to do is pick a date and place and they do all the work to include:

You can click here for more info on the services they provide.

No contract has been signed yet, but details are being discussed. The best place to stay informed and participate in the discussions is probably the MySpace Reunion Group. I will keep this web page updated as details are decided upon. I will also send out messages to this list when updates are made to this web page.

4/17/06: Quick Update... I spoke with Marlenna last week and she's looking into potentially using another reunion company - - because they seem more open to different ideas rather than just having our reunion in a ballroom at a hotel like every other reunion.  She is currently talking with both CreativeReunions and GreatReunions.  A contract should be signed soon and a date set.  Once that happens, she will post the details to the MySpace Group.

I'm leaving for a vacation to Japan tomorrow and will be gone for 10 days.  If any news happens on reunion front, I likely won't be able to update my webpage and send out an email to the mailing list until I get back.  So I thought I'd post a quick update before I go.

5/12/06 update: Marlenna emailed me today to let me know that she will be signing a contract with Creative Reunions today.  Also, she and Jessie have been doing some research on places and should be posting final details on the MySpace Group soon.  As soon as they do, I will post the details here and send out another message to the mailing list.

Now that the contract is being signed, the Reunion Company is trying to gather current addresses for our class.  Please send me your current physical mailing address, so I can provide the Reunion Company with a list of everyone we have to date so they don't have to expend the effort to track you if you've already been found. Thanks!

5/29/06 update: The location has been chosen! Pechanga Hotel & Casino in Temecula. The exact date is still being worked on.

6/8/2006 update: The date is most likely going to be Saturday, Nov 4th, but that's not set in stone yet. I'll let you know as soon as it is! A suggestion was brought up to tour the local wineries in Temecula the following day. This website was suggested. Also, if you are planning on staying in a hotel, they sometimes fill up fast. We are checking into group rates for the rooms at Pechanga, but you may also want to check here for other hotels.

6/28/06 update: There has been a change to the location. Basically, Pechanga was too costly, so we are working on having it at Pala Resort and Casino. It's about 15 minutes from Pechanga.  We're still looking at a November 4th date, but our usual disclaimer applies - nothing is set in stone yet.

I am still collecting addresses for the Reunion Company for the purposes of mailing out invitations.  I have over 50 so far!  And 96 people are on the mailing list, which is awesome!  If you haven't already done so, please send me your physical address.  Also, please pass the word.  I know my webpage here isn't that fancy and it could use a little sprucing up, but it does contain up to date information on the reunion and provides tons of links. :)

7/2/06 update: The date and location are set! View more information on the CreativeReunions Eisenhower '96 page.

7/3/06 update: Someone asked me whether there are going to be group rates at Pala. I don't know what the actual rates are, but on the CreativeReunions page it says "Reduced Hotel Rates for Attendees", so there will be a discount, I just don't know how much.

I called Pala Resort and Casino today and they didn't have our group listed, so I called CreativeReunions and they said it usually takes a couple weeks for it to get updated in the system at Pala because two different departments are involved. We just set up everything with Pala last week, so give it at least another week or two before making your reservations.

CreativeReunions is going to check whether we will be given a group name and password in order to take advantage of the group rates on the website or if we'll just have to call and give them the name of our school over the phone to make the reservation with the discount.

When I find out more, I'll be sure to let you know. Thanks for the enthusiasm everyone!

Contact Me

For those of you who remember me, I'm Rebecca Pease. Fill out the form below to send me an email.

Email Address:

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